It’s difficult to pin point where things went so wrong, in fact there probably isn’t enough pins to point even I wanted too. Unlike Darren, Gary doesn’t say a lot and as a result what he does say is often worth listening to! He summed it up perfectly after the game by saying "take a look at yourselves and ask is there anything more you could have done?" With that in mind I think it’s our obligation to do the one thing that is within our capability, something that we can personally do to make a difference.
There is a giant treadmill just outside your door and there are no excuses for not putting some running in. It sounds so obvious but being fit massively effects your game, Its up to you, we can continue to plod on through the season scraping victories and struggling when it counts or we can put a bit of effort in and reap the benefits of being in the best condition possible. Admittedly its not all down to fitness, I expect Paula Radcliff is shit at football but if you are fit it optimises your chances on the pitch so stick your runners on and put in a couple of half hour runs during the week, its really not that hard!
Its not all doom and gloom, with every cloud there is a silver lining, today I received a txt from the Messiah Mick Wall giving the go ahead for the PBFC poker night.. .. the man from PB, he say yes! I briefly mentioned what this night will involve but to recap;
Saturday the 20th March is PBFC poker night. This is a poker night for all levels of poker players, doesn’t matter if like me you have never played. We will be playing ‘Texas Hold em poker rules, what that means I have no idea but I am assured members of the Potblack Gamblers committee will be on hand to walk us through the rules and how to loose our money. Apparently it involves a pre flop, a flop and a river which if you ask me sounds like some sort of kinky sex game with Ross Jones involving water sports after consuming 10 pints of ale! All players signed on for Potblack are eligible – that does include those signed on for the now deceased Sunday side, however, you will not be allowed to play if you don’t have the PBFC poker attire, comedy wig and glasses!
Yep, you might be signed on, you might have some spondees burning a big hole in your pocket but no wig and specs and you don’t play! If your wondering what this might look like take a look at our very own Ross Molby Jones or Mick Wall .. .. That’s how you do it!
The evening will start at 7pm and even if you don’t want to play I suggest you come along and have a few beers as this could be hilarious. A prize will go to the player who can find the most hideous wig and glasses combination! As we have a team full of gamblers and part time alcoholics I expect a good turn out. Cheats, card counters and professionals will have root vegetables inserted into their orifices and whilst masturbating in the toilets will be frowned upon before 10pm its perfectly acceptable after this time. However, I must point out, under no circumstances are glasses allowed round the snooker table, that includes all forms of glasses, pints, half pints, shorts and possibly even sunglasses!!
The management accept no responsibility for the consequences of those stupid enough to show disregard for this rule. I once saw Wally tie someone up, gag them and remove his toe nails with a pair of pliers for placing his drink on the side of a table, enough said.
So get it pencilled in your diary and get saving as our very own ‘Rain Man’, namely moi is out to steal your money from under your very nose!