Despite our massive squad I was faced with a combination of injuries, sickness, holidays, non explanations for unavailability, and in several cases no reply at all.
Despite my best efforts for the first time in what must be nearly 5 years we were beaten and gave the 3 points to the opponents on the Barsham without kicking a ball.
I know our Captain Boydie was gutted as he was keen to play with 7 men (including Max Wall who had Flu), while Rob was so enraged he spent the afternoon Buddhist chanting.
I Know I'm making light of it, but its really because I'm so disheartened. Lets face it, we know that we over performed last year but when you thing about it, what made it such a great year was the camaraderie and everyone getting involved having fun, being committed and attending!
Nights out were being requested by players! summer days out were a big occasion, as for the Holiday with 22 people attending, it speaks for itself.
Yet where are we now? The last night out we practically had to force people through the door, with players say "I'm not going cos 'so & so' isn't going!" But as I explained because every ones saying the same is why we have a problem. As for the Holiday Rob's only had 4 replies, people haven't even bothered to say they can make it, despite how much everyone has previously said they've been fantastic!
Laziness? Selfishness? Cowardliness?
I don't know what your reasons are for lack of commitment? But when you're bottling a match or missing a social event you're letting your mates down and the club you once claimed you loved and were proud to be a part of, with excuses like I'm not enjoying my football and I've lost interested.
I know its been a stop start season (which when you look at the two biggest casualties us and Hearts having played less than everyone suffering with there form) and I said this about the Sunday side before the cowards and idiots, let the side melt into nothing despite the work of Daisy and the hardcore players.
Now Just think, everyone who plays for this side says how great it is, Gary Boyd said last year the two times he'd enjoyed his football in his long career is with the mighty trowel and here at Pot Black. Also do you think you'll see your teammates regularly if we fold? weekends away? No boys that's it!!!! Let this team fold, and that is it! It might be nice now on a Saturday picking out new TV's for your new house etc but what about when in a years time, when she's crazing your tits saying board the loft out or paint the shed, and you can't even pop down the club to escape because your mates won't be there!
I assure you lads let this go and you'll always regret it! Now suck it up, get some bottle back, and more importantly stick together!