After several completely unprovoked and idiotic personal attacks on our players on our Pot Black Comments pages from one or more people (not the first time I might add) we have decided to remove this feature.
The people who on several occasions was asked to reveal his or their identity, chose rather to write school ground slanders like a coward hiding behind anonymity proving a an IQ equal to that of a potato.
As Pot Black's site was originally set up to make fun of ourselves and for our own personal enjoyment, it becomes frustrating when morons come on and use needles vulgar comments and abusive language.
On the other hand P.B do believe in democracy and we were always pleased to have sensible or amusing comments from opposition with a couple of The Hearts lads making some valuable contributions over the last year or so.
Unfortunately that has now changed as the Pot Black Communications and Publicity Department have decided to employ a new system.
As Mr. Anon was obviously so eaten up with rage and jealousy at some of the posts we placed on our blog and unable to keep his comments to himself, so we will now be using the Cristian Church's Missionary idea as instead of letting you decide if you think we're great, We'll be coming to you and ramming it down your throats with the new weekly 'Pot Black are great self-appraisal blog' and 'I am Father McKinley and my sermons begin this week and each week after that I will be asking players and fans for their views on why we're GREAT!' And the best thing about it is I've removed the comments page so however much you hate us and want to tell us, you'll just have to suck it!!! Meeerrrryyyy Christmasssssss!