Monday, December 21, 2009

Eat, Drink & Be Merry!

The Pot Black Management would like to convey their best wishes to all players, families and friends for Christmas and the New Year.

On top of the usual festivities I'm sure you'll have planned their are also quite a few things to look forward to, firstly we'd love to see you all down at P.B.H.Q on Christmas Eve afternoon for a xmas beer as its normally entertaining as its usually the busiest bar in town (just stacked as a rule), but as you can see Banksey (pictured left) won't be there after last Saturday when he was finally given a green card he did what felt natural to him, and has seen another 6mth grounding been enforced.

Although the main thing to look forward to is the 'Return of the Retard' when we plan to welcome our hero home in the only way we know how!!!! YEEEEEEHA! (Rob Returns 5th Jan, lash up date to be confirmed, probably the 8th? )