If you haven't already been informed by Sterry, our team mate Anthony 'Beautiful Brown Sugar' Ogogo not only looks good in mincy mags and sports catalogues but is also pretty handy in the ring.
He has just successfully made is way into 'The British A.B.A Quarter Finals' which takes place on the 10th April, and for the first time in 5 years sees Ant fighting locally. As a result Ant has put aside some tickets for his brothers in arms P.B.F.C.
If you are interest which I sure you will be after overwhelming interest thus far, text Rob asap, and bring £12 cash to footie on Saturday as he'll be buying them on Sunday, once they're gone, they're gone, and you'll be the one moaning that you weren't leading Anthony out to the ring like Ross in a cape and 'Nacho libre' mask.... you have been warned!
Anthony 'B.B.S' Ogogo Vs Wilfred 'Catweazel' Sidebottom
A.B.A Quarter Final
@ The Ocean Room
10th April 2010
Doors open at 9pm
(Bus to be ordered when numbers confirmed)