I was really impressed with every part of the game Sat. Good Atmosphere, not bitching even when it got real tough and we had our backs against the wall, grinding out a result like that meant we hit Norwich Sat night with a euphoric feeling amongst those involved.
Banksy who braved the cold to watch the victory was so euphoric he mugged a tramp on route to PBHQ and stole his tie. In vain attempt to look cool he chose to pair up the fucking awful tie with a bright red cardigan. Gok Wan would have been frothing at the mouth as this combo was more Honk Couture than Haute Couture. He looked like he had taken style advice from my nan.
You might argue I’m being a little harsh but the frugal fella who would have you believe he was fiscally challenged attempted to go a whole night without any cash on him! When you mention the word tight with Banksy your usually assume we are referring to his afro style barnet but not in this instance, he refused to use any cash point which incurred a charge meaning poor Rosey became his personal sponsor for most of the evening.
As I arrived on the bus to go home I was not in anyway surprised to see Tito Banks sat slumped in his chair with his trousers round his ankles shouting "eat it" to anyone within a foot radius of him. So I think you will agree, he brings it on himself and deserves every bit of the piss taking he gets. I’m thankful he comes out; it means I’m not the biggest idiot on the bus.
One thing you won’t fail to notice in that last paragraph is that I made the bus home! It’s been a long time coming but thanks to the prompt if not somewhat calculated dispensing of a doner kebab at Mega Munch I got on the bus with minutes to spare. I also had chronic dysentery from the afore mentioned kebab and I’m perusing a litigation case, for legal reasons I can only speculate at this time as I’m still awaiting the results of my stool sample.
Sadly we did loose two good men in "the battle at Chicago’s". Such treachery at 2am is a privilege I’ve yet to witness with my own eyes, generally speaking its usually me that falls foul to the events I saw unfold. At approximately 2.05am when vice captain Max Wall announces, "I’ve text them and they haven’t replied, tough luck" you soon realise that principle foundations such as ‘never leave a man in the field’, the kind of principles that gave hope to those in the trenches; has now become a forgotten myth that died with WW2, well it is with Potblack anyway.
Private Liam Harvey-Cooper and petty officer Aaron Cooper where announced MIA at roughly 2.08am Sunday morning. Despite my several attempts Contact Liam I have yet to receive anything that would suggest he is still alive and can only assume the worst. In fairness to Aaron he had fallen man written all over him. Despite being a self proclaimed expert at the game "tell her" being caught out by a mere novice, namely me, suggested otherwise. Poor Aaron had to sidle up to a group of girls and proceed to explain how one of them looked like, I quote "a complete slag" his delightful generalisation based on nothing more than exuberant exchanges of banter with members of the opposite sex that frequented her vicinity. We all hid as he fumbled his way through a piss poor explanation, thankfully she somehow saw the funny side to his ‘playful putdown’ and the resulting titillation was received with great dignity.
Special mention must go to the Crab who had a corporate function in London, he traipsed along the arduous journey from Liverpool Street to Norwich so he could join his fellow members. Sadly her arrived at 1.30am just in time to reap the benefits of 9 drunk PB members all furnished with a smorgasbord of delights from the Prince of Wales eateries. Good work Steve!
What’s next on the PB social calendar? Well I’m putting together the final touches to a PBFC poker night, with a twist. It will be a closed event at PBHQ and only open to those involved with footballing fraternity. It’s also worth mentioning the ‘twist’ part; you will only be allowed to play if you are wearing some form of wig, and shades! There won’t be a large amount of money on the table and Wally assures me he can cater for poker novices such as me and Molby Jones. Details to follow very soon but initial estimates are looking at late March as I know people like plenty of notice?