Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Words from the Retard 20/01/10

After a six month lay off of even the slightest iota of social activity, not counting Boydie’s weekly trip to the bingo down the workmans club, or Kevs visit to the Doctor to have his prostate examined again (its not supposed to be fun Kev) its time we chucked some coal in the party fire and re ignited the Potblack piss ups. The mere mention of a trip to Norwich made those pussy whipped suck through there teeth and say "I need some notice", especially when I suggested something as close as next week, had Danny of been there the slightest mention of a night out in Norwich would of had him reach for the Pepto Bizmol and a prozac or anti depressant as he contemplated over coming his phobia of nightclubs and the young’uns that frequent those type of establishments.

With all that in mind I suggest we have a wee jaunt up the road to the fine city of Norwich on Sat 6th of Feb. For those in the know it does co-inside with a few of the wags going away for the weekend so there should be no excuses…you know who you are!! I can if need be organise transport but baring in mind my last attempt at this saw me running after the cab as it pulled away with Banksy and Birdy laughing at me telling everyone I was laying in the river Wensum face up with my corpse being raped by some meth heads I will wait to see what the majority wishes to do. I also still carry the scars of having to let everyone get in cabs for Danny’s local stag do after Ross’s mate let us down with some pre arranged cabs, only to walk up Prince of Wales street and bump into Liam Harvey eating a chicken Kebab completely unaware that everyone had gone home. All was not lost though we shared a night of passion on my mates couch in Norwich just managing to make it home on the early train back for a Sunday games kick off.

I will endeavour to avoid these perilous fates but we all know it’s a tradition of mine to have something go wrong, However if I get the Crab involved I’m sure he would have helicopters arrive to pick us up if Taxi’s let us down as he displays organisational qualities that are only equal to that of an MFI employee, or is that MI5? Failing this you have the option of an early train home but as the Messiah Mick Wall will tell you, its no good realising you need to catch the train at 1am as you stand imbibing a vodka in a Cuban bar, it left over 2 hours ago mate. So choose wisely as spaces will be allocated for the bus and alcohol has a nasty habit of making your watch do funny things with the time.

Will need to know ASAP if you wanna come and more details will follow but more importantly keep Saturday 6th of Feb free and book it with the wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or pet as comrades as we are officially celebrating my return, no excuses, none of this I have a new baby, can’t get a baby sitter, drug them, and they will sleep for weeks, that’s wags as well.

All PB players and committee members are invited and with the recent announcement from the government that drinking games are to be banned from bars and clubs I have this to say, "fuck you Grodon Brown, we are Pot Black and whilst sensible drinkers don’t need rules to behave, bad people find ways around them!!"

To the regiment my friends, I wish I was there!

** Pot Black F.C 'Night Out in Norwich' on 6th Feb 2010 (confirmation to 'The Retard' via text for space on bus)**