I’ve missed football bad, it’s a real cliché but sometimes you have to be away from something to realise just how good it is. We are lucky to have Potblack, the team, the friends, and most of all the laughs. Potblack is like having an extended family and being away made me appreciate just what we have, I hope you feel the same because if you don’t there are plenty of other teams in the league!
To follow on with the gaffa’s recent approach to writing blogs on our website; Potblack are great, I have the following glowing report to write on Saturdays game... er..... er...... umm.... Ok with a 5-0 drumming being handed to us, along with our arses, I’m gonna go back to how things used to be and take the piss!
Danny was unfortunately terminally ill with Meningitis of the anos contacting me from his death bed (pictured above) requesting that I take reins with Kev but as Kev is about as tricky to get hold of as Osama Bin Laden during the week Rafa Sterry stepped up to the plate and made some tough choices; how do I make a team from 8 confirmed players? Somehow we mustered 13 but my inspired ramble before the game served as nothing more than a delightful little story as Norton showed us why they are strong contenders for the title. Despite having a striker who weighs 7 stone soaking wet, Newton Faulkner playing centre midfield Ron Weasley in defence they are an organised outfit who looked like they could score with every attack. We matched them for 35 minutes but after conceding the first goal we looked like Audley Harrison bouncing off the ropes bobbing and weaving simply trying to avoid more pain.
The highlights of the game; Ross declaring that Will shows a similar turn of pace to himself (only if you spot an un eaten zinger burger laying on the pavement) or possibly Rosey’s blatant attempt to scythe the winger down only to realise he was inside the box..what were you thinking Rosey, he was going nowhere?! Possibly the look on the two females faces as I shouted to Ross’s dad Pete who was standing sheltering two young lezza’s with his brolley "you know you’re not supposed to be around ladies, the judge said so for at least a year" nah my highlight was 8 minutes in the pissing down with rain, a pungent smell of cow shit in the air and freezing my testicles off as I ran on to the pitch – oh this is what I missed!
We take the positives from every game lads and yesterday... well... there wasn’t too many. When I text round Friday night and at 8pm I had me Ross and Banksy starting with no subs simply avoiding that fate was a success. During the game Hunty showed determination even when we were 5 down, Max showed flashes of his best form and Boydie never moaned once although Cooper would probably argue he did! I know your probably thinking that the highlight I might of missed was my fresh air attempt to clear the ball back up the line which wouldn’t of looked out of place on strictly come dancing, yes it was a hilarious moment for all but cast your memory back to only a few seasons ago and I seem to remember our very own Fat Jesus Mckinley doing the very same thing on the very same pitch in almost the very same spot, what can I say it happens to the best of us!!
Suffolk punch next week in the cup and that will be a tough task against a side that could easily fit in the division one. Unless we can find our fighting spirit we won’t win, simple as that. We have stopped being a hard team to beat and become quitters when it gets tough. That’s not the case for everyone but we are a team so its no good just one or two showing the Potblack grit of years gone by it has to come from all of us. Nothing comes easy in this league and winning comes at a price and that price is hard bloody work so don’t be shy, man up and be counted if not step aside and let someone else have a go as its time to turn things around.
Vive l’orange